Iconvert icons registration
Iconvert icons registration

If you need to adjust how your icons align with text, you can use the edit panel and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

Iconvert icons registration pro#

Pro Tip: Instead of pressing the pencil button, you could hold down the option/alt key and then click an icon cell to bring up the edit panel. The edit panel allows you to perform some simple modifications (such as rotating or mirroring), edit tags, change the grid size given to your icons, etc. To edit an icon, use the edit/pencil button and then click on an icon cell. By loading your font back to the app, you can always add more icons to your selection later. Note: By selecting only the icons that you actually need, you can keep the size of your fonts down. If you click on an icon cell to select it, and then hold down the Shift key when selecting another icon, all the icons in between these two icons will be selected.

iconvert icons registration

You may also drag to select a group of icons. You can simply click on an icon cell to select or deselect it. This app is also available in the Chrome Web Store (runs offline). You can download these icons, do some basic editing, import your own icons, make icon fonts (a font with icons as its glyphs) or generate icons in SVG, Polymer, PDF, XAML, PNG and CSS sprites. This HTML5 application allows you to quickly browse and search for the icons you need. Head over to using a modern web browser to start using the IcoMoon app. Aside from these free icon packs, IcoMoon also provides 3 high quality premium icon packs which can only be purchased separately. Each of them have a license link that you can refer to.

iconvert icons registration

You can find them in the library tab of the IcoMoon app. Read further to learn more about these services. IcoMoon is an icon solution, providing three main services: vector icon packs, the IcoMoon App, and hosting icons as SVGs or fonts.

Iconvert icons registration