Webstorm wsl2
Webstorm wsl2


Let’s start with advantages of local development containers: because of bad runtime performance (compared to using a native runtime installed on your host), or because of a complicated debugger setup: do not worry, things have changed and are now much better than a few years ago. If you tried container-based development containers a while ago and discarded this approach, e.g. Building a Docker-based development environment (including hot reloading) for any IDE, with examples for a Gradle-based Spring-Boot backend and an Angular frontend application.A brief look at the IntelliJ platform, its shortcomings when it comes to Docker-integration, and its Gateway feature as an alternative to VS Code’s development container feature.


  • How to use the VS Code IDE and its development containers feature.
  • In this article I explain the last variant: running local development environments in a Docker container. If you have multiple apps/services that interact with each other, you can use docker-compose to simplify the orchestration.
  • If running development Kubernetes clusters is overkill and consumes too many resources (or if you do not use Kubernetes in production anyway), you can also mount your code into a single local (Docker) container, build your application inside the container, and also run it there.
  • I have written about these tools in this article.
  • If you run Kubernetes in production, you can run an entire Kubernetes cluster locally (or host a dedicated development cluster in the cloud / data center), develop your code locally, and use tools like Tilt or DevSpace to quickly build and push code changes to the cluster.
  • Modern solutions include JetBrains Space, Gitpod or GitHub Codespaces. This is the “cloud IDE” territory about I have written about in this article. An editor (your IDE) runs as thin client, locally as an application, or in your browser.
  • The development container stores your code, runs your application and (typically) contains a server-part of your IDE.
  • These are possible approaches I identified: There are many different ways of doing container-based development, and the different IDEs out there support it to different degrees. Container-based development environments aim to solve these problems, by developing inside a (Docker) container that is very similar to the production environment, which is (presumably) also running in a Docker/OCI container. Recently, the shift to (Docker) containers and images happened, not only in production, but also in the development phase of the SDLC. These are problems of the form “it worked on my machine”. The developer may already have moved on to developing the next feature, and now needs to context-switch to understand the old feature again. They are typically only discovered at a later point (after deploying to production), and it involves communicating between the developer and the ops/SRE/infra-team. The problems that result from these differences are costly to find, diagnose and fix.

    webstorm wsl2

    Java SDK 19 in production, 17 on the developer’s machine). macOS/Windows on the developer machine), or different versions of the runtimes (e.g.

  • The differences between the local and production environment cause problems: Examples for such differences are: different OS (e.g.
  • webstorm wsl2

    when a frontend developer (familiar only with Node.js) wants to develop against a local Java backend: the frontend developer will need help from someone from the backend team to get the backend up and running (or follow long tutorials). The problem becomes worse when developers leave their area of expertise, e.g.


  • Onboarding of new developers takes time and expertise: developers need to be told how to install the myriad of tools (beyond the IDE), e.g.
  • I still observe this today, and found that this kind of native development causes several problems in practice: They install compilers, language runtimes and frameworks on their machine directly, and use the tight integration of their IDE for things like code-completion or debugging (with break points). Introduction to container-based developmentįor many years, developers have been developing “natively” on their host machine.

    webstorm wsl2

    Remote development with JetBrains Gateway.Reviewing features in a development container.Tip 3: Override file system mount points for large folders.

    webstorm wsl2

    Tip 2: On Windows, clone the code to WSL.Development containers: basic approaches.Introduction to container-based development.

    Webstorm wsl2